Where’s the Fun in Fundraising?
Melissia Gary
- OnStage Ohio Columnist
There is a fine line where drama leaps off the stage and onto the financial page. As a member of a local nonprofit community theater, I can tell you the struggle to pay rent, utilities, and general upkeep is real. Many times people realize there is a cost to putting on a show, but don’t think about the day to day operations of the building. It’s like having a second home with the same bills as your first home. So why do it if there are bills and financial worries? Because it is a second home filled with love, laughter, family and sweet memories. It’s in our heart and soul to make you laugh, cry or sing along. So as we worry about the financials we know it’s all worth it.
Photo Credit: Jerri Shafer
What do we do to keep the funds flowing? We fund raise, which often translates to working as volunteers in the hot sun or pouring rain. Rentals of the theater help bring in extra cash flow. Silent auctions and garage sales are also in the mix of what we’ve done.
So what can you do? Thanks for asking. First of all, come see our shows. When you see an invitation on social media, or get invited by a friend, bring another friend and come see our shows. Tell everyone and bring everyone you know; we love full houses. Second, become a patron. It’s tax deductible and it’s an investment in your community.
Finally, welcome an advertisement for our shows into your place of business or place an ad in our program. Every little bit helps keep the lights on, the heat or air conditioning depending on the season. So the next time you get invited to see a show, go you might just enjoy yourself and help your local theater.