Aren't there always those parts you wish you could play? Those roles in shows you know you'd be damn amazing at but because you're the wrong gender, age or vocal range the chances of getting to play them are extremely low...or non-existent! As a generic white female of an alto/mezzo range in her 20s, here are just some of the parts I wish I could play and why.
Read MoreAuditions. We’ve all been there. Trying to channel your nervous energy into a productive adrenaline. Hoping to put your best foot forward. Wanting to make a great first impression. Anxiously waiting until your number is called. Finally, taking the stage for a minute or two, and giving it your best shot. Maybe you get another chance to read. Maybe even a callback. And then waiting … and waiting … and hoping and praying. Hopefully, you got the part, but more often than not, you didn’t. So, what went wrong? What, if anything, can you learn from this experience?
Read More“Seniors in high school: Majoring in theatre is the ultimate dream for some- you’re training to do what you love, you’re learning new things to improve your performance, and most importantly you meet people that are just like you. It’s no secret that having a career in theatre is incredibly difficult to pursue. After an entire year of being a theatre major, here are some things I learned to keep me going.”
Read MoreActing is not an individual art, it is a team art. No one piece can work without the other to make a production a success. Everything stems from you the actor, so make sure that memorizing your blocking is a pertinent part of your personal rehearsal process.
Read MoreWhat’s the best way to make sure quick costume changes happen smoothly and with as few expletives as possible? Take a look below at our 5 top tips for quick costume changes.
Read MoreSubmit for everything you can, get responses, build up your resume and your confidence, continue being a happy actor, and doing what you love!
Read MoreWe all know that this week will be long and stressful, but keeping in mind, these tips can make it a little easier. Everyone wants a finished product they can be happy with, but no one wants to be miserable to get there.
Read MoreTheatre is a small community, and word spreads quickly about who is good to work with and who to avoid. How would you like to be known?
Read More'There is a reason they call it the theatre bug and I believe that it is in us all; it just depends on how you wish to express it.'
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