6 Ways Cisgender Performers Can Be Allies to the Trans Community

Cisgender people, especially those without any power in theatre or in any industry, often ask how they can support the trans community in all walks of life, but especially theatre. Here are 6 easy ways to support the trans community so we can continue to advance the normalization of the trans community in society, especially theatre.

1.    Share your pronouns on your audition materials, websites, and other publicity material: ​This is a super-easy way to be an ally. Cisgender people have the opportunity to help set a safer, more inclusive tone without facing backlash or potential risk. This is a huge privilege and should be taken advantage of. Placing your pronouns below your name on your resume/headshots helps normalize the practice of doing so and is a very easy addition to make.

While you’re at it, add them to your website or business cards. Encourage other cis theatre-makers to do the same!

2.    Take the time to read some of the amazing scripts that tell trans stories:​  Southern Comfort by Julianne Wick Davis and Dan Collins, Hir by Taylor Mac, and Trans Scripts by Paul Lucas are just a few popular titles. You can find many others online, and you can reach out to fellow theatre lovers, writers, Facebook groups, and friends to find other suggestions.

3.    Buy a trans actor/playwright you know a cup of coffee: Take the time to get to know​ the stories of the trans-theatre-makers you work with—if they want to share. If not, bring them a coffee on a day you stop for yourself. After all, fighting the gender binary in America is exhausting, and they could use all of the caffeine they can get.

4.    Help advocate for the sharing of more trans stories onstage:​ Donate to a GoFundMe dedicated to theatre telling trans stories, go see a show that you know advocates for the trans community, and bring a trans story to the stage if you’re in a position to; even ask your friends to help advocate!

If you’re in a position to decide on a theatre’s season or make a suggestion, add a show that tells a trans story. If their season is already set, you can always inquire about a reading!

You could also open up time and space for trans storytellers to share or workshop their new shows for the community or a smaller pool of theatre lovers.

5.    If you’re in a position to make a casting decision, advocate for trans performers to take on cis roles​: People are always talking about who can and can’t take on roles when it comes to queer stories and performers. This often leaves queer people on the back burner when telling “straight” stories, but that doesn’t need to be the case, and it’s even harder for the trans community to get cast.

Trans performers can absolutely portray straight or cisgender characters, and they deserve the same opportunities as cisgender performers to do so. The beauty about performing is that you take on an entirely different character; it doesn’t matter the performer’s gender identity.

6.    Add (or advocate for) gender-free dressing spaces to your theatres:​ Dressing rooms, like locker rooms, can cause tension and anxiety even in open spaces such as theatres. If your theatre does not already use gender-free dressing rooms, advocate for a space to be added for more comfort.

People of any gender identity can use the space, and having an option outside the typical “male” and “female” dressing options can create a more welcoming environment and less stressful backstage environment.

Being an ally is easy, and there’s no better time to start than now. Look at how your local theatres are inclusive of the trans community already, where they can do better, and what changes can begin to be made for an even safer environment.