Performing During COVID
Photo: Emily Clark Designs
The struggle is real. I want to perform. This was the summer I was going to jump back into the theater world after a few years’ hiatus. I had the group picked out, they announced their show, and, assuming I was cast, of course, it was going to be excellent. And then like so many of us, spring plans were delayed because of COVID. This led into summer plans being cancelled and now, as fall is fast approaching, there is no end to the performing drought in sight.
There have been some glimmers of hope during these unprecedented times. A few Zoom miscast concerts earlier in the summer gave me a reason to sing again. I know some dance studios opening near me too, and way out in the Berkshires they even managed to put on some live theater. But by and large the outlets for theater, specifically musical theater, just aren’t there.
Some days this is enough to cause me to pull out the pint of Ben & Jerry’s (who cares about dairy when there’s no place to sing, right?), and other days I find ways to perform wherever and however I can. Here are my suggestions on how to maximize COVID performing for those days when you just “gotta sing, gotta dance!”
Sing while you walk, run, or just sit in your backyard. Maybe it’s because I have a two-year-old who is not embarrassed by anything, but I find myself singing outside a lot more. (Plus, it drowns out those ear-piercing shrieks two-year-olds are famous for). So, we sing “Vanilla Ice Cream” (from She Loves Me) while ice cream drips down our fingers. We splash in puddles while performing “Singing in the Rain” (minus umbrellas because that’s just dangerous with a toddler). So far, there have been no funny looks from the neighbors, and we’ve struck up a few conversations from six feet away!
In the Car
This has always been one of my favorite places. You can sing old favorites or learn new ones. I like to play around with my window height for the perfect combination of acoustics and fresh breezes then I let loose. The best thing about this is the performance lasts as long as you want. Just keep driving till your done singing!
There are some dance studios opening for live and virtual classes. But you don’t necessarily have to connect to a studio for dance. Put on some music and have your own dance party! It’s impossible not to smile after jumping and bopping around the room. If you took dance lessons as a child, throw on some music and see how much you remember- you may surprise yourself.
Seek out Virtual Opportunities
These opportunities are there. And if they aren’t there, reach out to your favorite theater group and ask how you can help provide virtual table reads, concerts, etc. You’re right, it’s not the same as live theater. And you’re right, they don’t necessarily facilitate the sense of community and connection and offer the same creative outlet. But it is something. It’s an option to give someone a reason to learn some lines, learn a new song, and offer a beacon of hope during what may otherwise be dark times.
Donate if you can to your local theater, dance company/studio, choral group, arts ensemble, etc. Most likely, it won’t provide you anything now, but it will help ensure that when all this ends, there will still be creative outlets for us to pursue.
These pale in comparison to what I think every performer wants to do which is perform, on stage, for an audience. Until that magnificent day arrives again, we all need to do what we can to keep the arts alive for all of us.