"Over the years, so many of my students have found theatre to be the “home” they’ve been yearning for. We must be patient enough to help cultivate their young, impressionable lives in theatre and how they act as humans while in our care."
Read More"Maybe the kids we teach won’t choose a career as a comedian or a traveling troupe. However, they will gain the invaluable skills needed to expand their ability to approach situations that might arise from new angles."
Read More"As someone who has been involved in theatre for well over a decade, one common theme I have found is an overabundance of young people who work in theatre. This is amazing, don’t get me wrong! But, the realities of mixing those who have families with younger people can sometimes take work."
Read MoreFor over forty years, I have been performing and directing in community theatre, and one thing has been a real concern to me…censorship of a published work.
I guess for me; it is about presenting the piece as it was written for the stage. By not doing this, you are not giving an audience the real product as it was meant to be. I was involved in a production of The Full Monty, and we did THE FULL MONTY at the end of the show. Audiences loved it! You do need to have the right lighting effects in order to pull this off, of course. But we did, and it went off without a hitch.
When allowed to direct it for another theatre company possibly, I asked if they would be going all the way. Their answer was, “No.” That cemented my answer for that opportunity.
Read More“I was recently alerted to a situation where the director of a summer theatre program, that charges in order to participate, routinely casts their son in the lead of their shows.”
Read More“If these ethics and habits are not demonstrated, not only do one’s chances of being cast dramatically decrease but also people simply do not wish to associate with them or support them in any of their theatrical endeavors.”
Read More“A former employee at the Wichita Theatre in Wichita Falls is expected to accept a plea deal regarding the allegations that he sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl at the theater. Josiah Alan Derbyshire was charged with sexual assault of a child in connection with an incident in July 2018.”
Read More“I am what I am…a community theatre performer and director and proud of it.”
Read More“I’ve learned that many able-bodied neurotypical people in the community have the perception that inclusion and accessibility are incredible insurmountable feats. They aren’t, at all. If you’re running a community theatre, you have a responsibility to find room at the figurative table for performers that reflect your community. I guarantee that your community is diverse in terms of how their bodies and brains work.”
Read More“Theatre is where I can put on a costume and zip up the zipper to become someone else. I don't have to worry about my problems; they melt away as I become someone completely different than myself.”
Read More“When it comes to community theatre, political issues are a touchy subject. Typically, many theatres will stay away from politically themed shows or ones with divisive topics. After all, the goal is to make money and if you're angering half your audience with perceived political statements, you're putting your theatres future at risk.”
Read More“A local actor and former finance manager for a Pennsylvania community theatre has been charged with embezzling over $2,000 from the nonprofit organization.”
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