Posts in Observations
Lauren Boebert's Incident is an Audience Etiquette Cautionary Tale

“By now, everyone in the theatre community has certainly heard the reports of the disruption at the Buell Theatre in Denver. Among “other things”, the Congresswoman was vaping, taking photos and video during the performance, singing aloud and bouncing around, and generally causing a distraction. I’m sure all theatre companies have dealt with this kind of patron.”

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Great Moments in Representation: 'Wicked' & the Representation of Women On Stage

“Representation matters – not just for those who need their stories told and have long been excluded from the narrative, but so that we can all learn to see ourselves in those different from ourselves. We need to take a closer look at how subversive, in many ways, “Wicked” actually was and continues to be.”

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Actor Guilt and How to Manage It

“The word “enough” is becoming commonplace. You did not do enough. You did not give enough to your scene partners. You did not meet the director’s expectations. You could go on and on about how you were not enough. Wracked with worry and guilt, you worry about your ability to play and depend more on the thoughts of others. You are not alone. It has a simple name that many have also felt: actor guilt.”

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