Posts in TV
Great Moments in Representation: Tyrion Lannister's Importance To Little People's Representation in Entertainment

“Little People characters in books, television, and movies were often written to be laughed at or designed as a spectacle: they usually are jesters, clowns, and circus performers in fiction. This irrevocably changed for the better with Peter Dinklage’s portrayal of Tyrion Lannister in the HBO show “Game of Thrones.”"

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Top 10 Worst Glee Plots

“I’m going to start by saying that this show is one of my absolute favorites. The earnest covers, the tongue-in-cheek charm, the lovable cast of misfits – they hold such a special place in my heart. That being said, it is important to be critical of all art, even the art we cherish with affection and nostalgia. And while I am willing to suspend my disbelief for many Glee plot lines, some of them really, really missed the mark.”

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Love Musical Theatre? Here’s Why You’ll Love 'Community'!

“My comfort show is Community. Found on both Netflix and Hulu, I credit this clever sitcom with keeping me sane through quarantine. The safety of the study group and the silliness of Greendale Community College is all I need to serenade me to sleep each night. And I’ve realized something after watching (and listening to) this show for the past 7 months. It is not only brilliant, hilarious, and a fantastic way to enjoy the overwhelming talent of Donald Glover. It is also an amazing show for fans of musical theatre.”

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