Posts in College
To Produce or Not to Produce: Neil LaBute

“Producing Neil LaBute’s work is oppressive to womxn, people of size, people of color, people with disabilities, and many other groups, while simultaneously putting money into the hands of someone known to be problematic and hurtful. Keep your theatre life safe and healthy, and truly consider your choice before producing, or working on, a Neil LaBute piece.”

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The Top 30 College Theatre Design and Tech Programs for 2019-2020

The entertainment industry is constantly being impacted by the evolution of technology. Because of this, college theatre design and tech programs have to evolve with it. Programs are offering new classes, bringing in innovative guests and implementing the newest stage technology into their productions. Needless to say, it’s an exciting time to be in theatre design and tech.

Here are 30 programs we feel are doing some amazing things onstage and behind the scenes.

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CollegeChristopher Peterson
Prominent Performing Arts College Rocked by Explosive Allegations

One the more prestigious performing art colleges in Chicago today is reeling over allegations by former students. The allegations against Chicago College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University range from the treatment of students to unethical behavior and racial discrimination. Multiple former students have also come forward with allegations of sexual harassment against a current faculty member.

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We’re Not So Different: Sports and the Arts

I want you to imagine something. Imagine huge crowds of people filing into a special venue to witness a display by professionals working at the highest tiers of their field. The tickets were expensive, the seats aren’t quite comfortable, the drink prices are outrageous. Specialized, high-powered lights illuminate the playing area and loud music fills the air. The professionals emerge, dressed in specialized clothing and equipment, and begin their hours-long display. The action is intense, sometimes exciting, sometimes heartbreaking, and about halfway through, there is a break for everyone to recover and chat. When it’s all over, the crowd will cheer for a job well done and grumble if their expectations weren’t met, but they’ll probably go to a similar event in the future. Those same fans will gather around their televisions once a year in a celebration of the best of the best, usually with friends, food and drinks at the ready. 

Now, here’s my question: did you picture a Broadway show, or a sporting event?

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$carcity in the Arts

For a medium built on community, collaboration, and connection, I fear I am experiencing and witnessing a lot of scarcity minded behavior in the theatre. As I travel and direct around the country I am seeing more and more artists, myself included, being asked to work for less and less compensation. Worse so than that what often people report to me or I hear from potential employers is that as much as they would like to hire someone, they just don’t have the resources. “We accept volunteers!” 

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Cancelled Production of "West Side Story" Shows that Colleges Still Don't Understand How to Cast Roles of Color

While many within the Kent State University theatre community were excited about the possibility of performing the iconic West Side Story this fall, unfortunately, their hopes have been dashed. This past week it was announced that due to the backlash of casting non-Latinx performers in Latinx roles, theatre administrators decided to cancel the production and perform a different musical instead.

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Issues at Broadway's "Chicago" All Too Familiar When It Comes to Bullying in Theatre

After spending 22 years in a cast of a Broadway show, one deserves a curtain call worthy of that achievement. It could be a standing ovation during the final bow. Or a backstage celebration. Or parting gifts from the cast, creative and producers. 

But instead of being recognized for a rare achievement in New York theatre, Jeff Loeffelholz ended his own life with a mixture of painkillers and alcohol. 

What led Jeff to this point is going to be the subject of investigations by multiple organizations and their results could lead to a complete reshaping of working conditions in professional theatre.

While Jeff's alleged treatment behind-the-scenes at Chicago is horrific, for many other performers, it's all too familiar. 

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